Grapes and Cherries art


The strongest part of my art is how i got the color correctly of the grapes and cherries. Its the strongest since it relates to the original image that i took. The color components is very creative. I can though, improve on my brush tool options. I could of tried to make the art/painting more realistic and detailed but i had difficulty with using the brush tool and getting the lines correctly in order for the painting to relate almost exactly like the original image. I used the brush tool, mixer brush, pencil, eyedropper, eraser and paint bucket.

The pencil tool was used to outline the original image color components in order to apply the colors with the brush. The paint bucket was used to apply colors in a bigger area. The brush tool was used the most in order to brush in the colors after the eyedropper selects a color in a certain area.The mixer tool was used to mix in the colors. The easy part was finding different components of colors to color in after using the eyedropper. The difficult part was brushing it in. It was hard to brush the colors in exactly as the picture, filling in the different colors every time. Although the painting didn't come out exactly how i wanted it to, i had some thing correctly brushed in.

I demonstrated the goal by using the mixer brush, paint brush and eyedropper to do my art as i had explained in the previous paragraph what the tools were used for. The colors were blended well and i added the shadow of the bowl using a much darker green color since the bowl was green as well as the grapes. I tried my best to have the details very visible and similar to the image even though the background was just one color. I also used the layer 1 as draw and layer 2 as the paint to do this painting. If i was to do this again, i would try to blend better and use the brush tool better/the pencil tool to outline the original image so i would be able to color it in better with the paint brush. My effort for this project would be a 10/10 since i put all my work into getting the components right and meeting the objective of this project even though it was difficult for me to get the painting to look exactly like the original image.


  1. Effort:3


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