My strongest area is the color correction I made after I finished colliding the pictures together. The visual is neatly cropped to look like they were cloned.The poses were well too. I could improve on getting the image to look more appealing like having more clones or placing the clones in a better place. I could improved this by taking more than just the 7 pictures that i had originally took. If i had took more than just 7, i could of have better pictures to work with instead of using just those 7. It would of been easier for me to brush in the clones. The tools that I used the most to work with was the brush tool and move tool. I used the brush to get the image in with the rest and the move tool to perfectly set the image so when i did brush the clones, it would fit perfectly. The easy part was brushing the clone in after getting the measurements right. The difficult part was making the image was perfectly placed so nothing would be off. It was difficult be...